
Everything's different now

Como o Sol se afasta no horizonte do crepúsculo, deixando o palco livre para a magnificência da Lua, também tu te afastaste. Ao contrário do sol, porém, não deixaste nada em consolo, apenas o amargo sabor da tua ausência. Agora, se me dás licença, é a minha vez de afastar do pensamento a ideia de que seríamos eternos. Nada dura para sempre, eu deveria saber.



Clementine was born not to be, born not to love like you and me.
No one has ever seen her cry but hidden in her eyes there's a whole wide sea.

Clementine walks around at night, talks the moonlight into sleep.
Wakes up slowly, taking her time, she has no one to meet.

No one wonders where she's from,
If she has ever had someone of her own.
She is just a part of the sea,
A part of you and me.

Clementine reads all day long, carries the world of someone unknown.
Finds her castle, sits on the throne, then she is not alone.

No one wonders where she's from,
If she has ever had someone of her own.
She is just a part of the sea,
A part of you and me.

Clementine was born not to be...


At the hop

Put me in your suitcase,
Let me help you pack - cause you're never coming back (no, you're never coming back)

Cook me in your breakfast,
And put me on your plate - cause you know I taste great (yeah, you know I taste great)

Put me in your dry dreams,
And put me in your wet - if you haven't yet (no, if you haven't yet...)

Light me with you candle,
And watch the flames go hiiigh - it doesn't hurt to try (no, it doesn't hurt to try)

Wrap me in your marrow,
Stuff me in your bones - a single mending moan (a song to bring you home)


Always in my thoughts you are.
Always in my dreams you are.
I've got your voice on tape,
I've got your spirit in a photograph...
Always out of reach... you are.

Cold inside my arms you are.
Simple like a child you are.
I remember when you took my hand and led me through the rain...
Down inside my soul... you are.

The more I show the way I feel the less I find you give a damn.
The more I get to know the less find that I understand.
Innocent, the time we spent.
Forgot to say we're good friends.
You thought it was the start of something beautiful?
...Well, think again.

Mother lost her looks for you...
Father never wanted you...
I trust to love and then I find you never really felt the same.

There's something in your heart so cruel.


Sabem aquela citação que diz algo como "Karma's only a bitch if you are"? Pois. Nem por isso. E sabem aquele provérbio que vai mais ou menos assim: "Depois da tempestade vem a bonança"? Não funciona bem desse modo. Na minha realidade é mais a bonança e depois a tempestade. Mas sempre tem sido assim, como num ciclo. Em discordância connosco, os Ocidentais, que temos a noção de que o tempo é linear, os Maias acreditavam que o tempo funciona em ciclos que se repetem eternamente e, assim, algo que aconteça num determinado momento repetir-se-á no futuro. Não necessariamente o mesmo acontecimento, mas fiquemos por aqui. Pois é. A minha realidade sempre foi essa, cíclica, desastres em repercussão. Quando surge um momento de paz, logo de seguida o caos se instala. Sempre. E muito sinceramente, isso é algo que me começa a enervar. Bastante.

Outro o poria desta forma: "Mas que mal fiz eu a Deus?!"... e pô-lo-ia bem.


Era raptá-lo e aplicar-lhe a Síndrome de Estocolmo. Tenho dito.


"Anger and resentment can stop you in your tracks. That's what I know now. It needs nothing to burn but the air and the life that it swallows and smothers. It's real, though - the fury, even when it isn't. It can change you... turn you... mold you and shape you into something you're not. The only upside to anger, then... is the person you become. Hopefully someone that wakes up one day and realizes they're not afraid to take the journey, someone that knows that the truth is, at best, a partially told story. That anger, like growth, comes in spurts and fits, and in its wake, leaves a new chance at acceptance, and the promise of calm. Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child."